Robot vacuums have become so popular home appliance for their efficiency and convenience. As its popularity and convenient use, sometimes you might face some issues in Vacuum robot.
If you are facing issues in the Vacuum Robot Trouble Shooting Such as is the Robot Vacuum Brush Not Spinning? OR is your Robot Vacuum Brush Not Charging? Are you looking for How to reset Robot Vacuum to default?
By following these simple steps, you can regain your vacuum Robot functionality.
Part 1: How to reset Robot Vacuum
Part 2: Robot Vacuum not charging
Part 3: Robot Vacuum brush not spinning
How To Reset Robot Vacuum
There are two ways to reset the robot vacuum cleaner to return all its performance to its default status. Resetting the robot vacuum cleaner solves many minor and major issues including Wifi connectivity issues, Error messages, and slow performance.
The two ways to reset the robot vacuum cleaner are
- Soft reset Or Reboot the rest
- Factory reset
Soft Reset Or Reboot Reset
A soft reset also known as a Reboot Reset is a simple process to only restart your device without erasing stored data and setting in it. A soft reset is usually needed to fix minor issues such as software glitches, and connectivity issues.
You can do a soft reset when the vacuum is not responding, an issue in connectivity with the app or Wi-Fi.
Steps for Soft Reset
The following are steps to follow when you want to do a soft or reboot resetto your robot vacuum cleaner.
In soft reset, you have to simply restart the device, by following the below steps.
- Turn off Robot Vacuum: locate the switch on your device, unplug it to turn off your device, and ensure that the device is getting any power during the reset process.
- Leave the vacuum OFF for about 30 seconds
- Turn ON the switch the power back and allow it to fully charge if necessary.
Factory Reset
A factory reset returns the vacuum device to its original setting and like brand new. It erases all existing settings including schedules, cleaning preferences, and wifi settings. Factory reset can help fix more serious issues or when you are going to sell it.
You have to use the factory reset when you see the following situation.
The software glitches issues are persistent and not fixed on soft reset, and when you want to clear the settings and data from the vacuum cleaner.
To do the Factory Reset follow the below steps:
- Open the companion application on your smartphone
- Make sure the device with the app (smartphone or tablet) and vacuum robots are connected to the same wifi.
- Navigate to settings, select the vacuum, and find the factory reset option in the settings menu.
- Look for the factory reset option and follow the on-screen instructions. ( as it could be varies for different brands of robot devices)
- Confirm the reset and wait for the vacuum to restart, it may take a few minutes.
- Once you do a factory reset, all your settings and data will be erased. So before going for a Factory reset make sure you are willing to erase all this data.
Choose the Robot Vacuum that Fits You Most
The key to buying a robot vacuum is to choose the one that best fits your needs. Consider factors like floor type, house size, budget, and whether you have pets to find your perfect robot vacuum with eufy guides!
What's the difference between 5,000 Pa and 8,000 Pa? How many types of base stations are there? Learn with eufy now.
Robot Vacuum Not Charging
Robot vacuum is the most popular home device nowadays but sometimes as an electronic device, it has charging issues.
If your Robot vacuum is not charging, then it will not be functioning automatically and efficiently. When charging it, make sure it’s placed on the charging dock. It will not charge if it's off. Usually, you will hear a voice prompt when it's charging properly.
This is a common issue and can be solved with some basic troubleshooting. The following might be some causes of the charging issues in robot vacuum cleaners.
Dirty Charging Contacts
Dust and debris on the charging surfaces also prevent the robot vacuum from charging properly. The dust and debris increase with time naturally and affect the functionality of charging your device.
So cleaning charging contacts after some time regularly can improve the charging functionality.
How to fix it
- Turn off the vacuum and unplug the charging dock.
- Use a dry cloth to clean the contacts on both the dock and the vacuum.
- Reconnect it again, and it might work if the charging issue in the robot vacuum was due to dirty charging contacts.
Fault Charging Dock
When your Vacuum Robot not charging, the main cause could also be a faulty charging Dock. Before bringing the device to the manufacturer ensure that the dock is working properly, the malfunctioning of the dock prevents the vacuum from charging. This could be the malfunction in the dock's internal or external damage. So checking it internally and externally helps fix the issue.
How to Fix It
Check that the dock is properly plugged into the working outlet and that any indicator light is ON.
- Verify the power outlet by plugging in another device to see if it works.
- Test the dock by moving it to a different outlet.
Old Or Damage Battery
The battery has an important role in charging of Robot vacuum. You might seerobot vacuum charging errors if it is too old or damaged to hold a charge. Batteries degrade over time, and batteries that are old and have gone through many charge cycles may no longer function efficiently. also, check the battery externally and through the current to ensure that it's not damaged.
How To Fix It
If the battery is too old or damaged, it may need to be replaced.
Follow the below steps to replace the battery in the robot vacuum.
- Refer to the user manual for instructions on how to replace the battery in a robot vacuum cleaner. As the instructions are different for all brands and manufacturers.
- Make sure to purchase high-quality and compatible batteries from the manufacturer or retailer.
- Install a new battery and make sure it's fully charged before using it.
Software Glitches
Software glitches are so common when it comes to robot vacuum charging errors. It can be usually fixed with a simple reset or update. First, you should try a soft or reboot reset to fix it; if it does not work you can proceed to a factory reset. We have explained above How to reset the robot vacuum. Be sure to try factory reset after you have done and checked all possible solutions, as it will erase all data and settings from your vacuum cleaner.
Moreover, turn on the modification notification from the companion app or website because the outdated software can interfere with the charging process. The update can resolve most known software issues and improve the performance of vacuum cleaners. It also helps fix charging issues in robot vacuum cleaners.
How to Fix It
Ensure the robot vacuum app or software is up to date.
Robot Vacuum Brush Not Spinning

There are many inside components in Robot Vacuum which perform their functions. One of the components is a brush, its function is to rotate to loosen dirt and dust from surfaces of the floor such as hardwood and upholstery.
That’s the most crucial function of a robot vacuum by brush, and malfunctioning in it could degrade the efficiency.
so, is you have noticed that your robot vacuum brush is not spinning, it can significantly reduce the vacuum’s ability to clean effectively.
This is a common issue and can be fixed with basic troubleshooting.
The following are the possible causes and solutions for the Robot Vacuum Brush not spinning.
Hair And Debris Tangled In the Brush:
Usually, the common issue in the robot vacuum brush not spinning is the hair, debris, string, and other debris tangled around the brush. It happened because of too use of a vacuum brush without cleaning it after use. Hair and string get wrapped around the brush and prevent it from rotating properly.
Possible Solution
- Turn off the robot vacuum, and remove the brush. Refer to the user manual on how to remove the brush.
- Use the brush cleaner tool or scissors to cut the hair and other debris.
- Clean the brush thoroughly and attach it to the vacuum.
- The best practice is to clean the brush each time you use it.
Worn Out Brush
Over time the bristles on the brush can wear down, which happens because of too much usage. It decreases the spinning speed of the brush in the robot vacuumand impacts efficiency. It sometimes stops the brush from spinning.
Possible Solution
If the brush bristles are worn out, the you should replace the brush.
Refer to the user manual remove the old brush and install a new one.
Ensure the brush is spinning and attached properly.
Motor issue
The motor that is used for spinning the brush in a robot vacuumalso might be faulty or burn out. For spinning machine's role is crucial, so it should work properly to have smooth spinning of the brush.
Possible Solution
If the vacuum makes unusual noises when spinning the brush, then it should be a fault in the motor.
Refer to the user manual or contact the customer support. Replacing the motor will require some technical expertise.
Loosen or broken belt
Belts in vacuums are used to transfer the power from the motor to the brush. If the belt is loosened or broken, the power will not transfer and the brush will not spin.
If your vacuum uses a belt to drive the brush, it might be loose, broken, or out of place
Possible Solution
Open the vacuum and impact the belt.
If the belt is loose, broken, or out of place, ensure to fix it or replace it with a new one.
You can refer to the user manual on how to change the belt.