eufy S1 Pro
Nettoyage des sols
Contournement des obstacles
Nettoyage des sols
Contournement des obstacles
Système de nettoyage des sols révolutionnaire
Design futuriste
3D MatrixEye™
Obstacle Avoidance
La naissance d'un chef-d'œuvre
Station UniClean™ 10-en-1
Une solution de nettoyage tout-en-un
Profitez d'un nettoyage facile et automatisé grâce à cet appareil 10-en-1, offering automated and effortless maintenance.
Eco-Clean Ozone™
The built-in ozone generator creates ozonated water using just tap water¹,
removing up to 99.99%² germs.
Eco-Clean Ozone™
Distribution automatique du détergent
Autoséchage à l'air chaud
Récupération automatique des eaux usées
Un patin sale peut-il vraiment nettoyer vos sols ?
Les patins de nettoyage classiques ne sont pas efficaces car la saleté s'accumule sur le tissu et est étalée sur le sol à chaque rotation.
Une propreté exceptionnelle
Le S1 Pro est la solution
A New Era of Cleanliess
Nous vous présentons notre patin de nettoyage Always Clean Mop™️ à la pointe de la technologie, qui se lave lui-même,
pour un nettoyage impeccable sous tous les aspects. Le patin rotatif effectue 170 tours/minute
pour décoller la saleté du sol, une vitesse impossible à reproduire à la main.
Les taches n'ont aucune chance
Grâce au patin de nettpyage de 290 mm exerçant une pression de 10 N, le S1 Pro imite l'action d'un frottement à la main pour éliminer efficacement les taches tenaces
1 kg
Downward Pressure
11.4 Inch
Longest Ever
Compare Clean
UV-Verified Cleanliness
Propreté vérifiée à 100 % par rayons UV
Voyez les résultats de nettoyage du S1 Pro visiblement supérieurs par rapport à un robot laveur de sols standard.
Une propreté éclatante dans toutes les situations
24H Dried-On Coffee
Ketchup renversé
24H Dried-On Coffee
Ketchup renversé
Une solution innovante pour des sols impeccables
Grâce à la technologie de pointe Eco-Clean Ozone™️, le S1 Pro génère de l'eau ozonée à partir de l'eau du robinet¹ pour laver le sol et vous garantir une désinfection efficace.
Santé et propreté, nos priorités
Le robot élimine jusqu'à 99,99 %² des germes tels que les E. Coli pour vous garantir un espace de vie plus propre et plus sain, adapté aux personnes souffrant d'allergies.
Puissance d'aspiration de 8 000 Pa
Transformez le nettoyage de vos tapis
Le robot aspire efficacement la poussière incrustée aussi bien sur les sols durs que sur les tapis. Les poils et cheveux s'emmêlent moins dans les brosses, l'idéal pour les foyers avec des animaux domestiques.
Prenez soin de vos tapis
Lorsque le S1 Pro détecte un tapis, il lève automatiquement le patin de nettoyage à 12 mm pour le dissimuler à l'intérieur du corps. Cela permet au tapis de rester propre et sec⁶.
Dites adieu à l'ordinaire,
et bonjour à l'innovation
Design DetailDesign DetailDesign DetailDesign DetailDesign Detail
Sophistiqué et robuste
Un contrôle total en un clic
La commande tactile LCD exclusive simplifie l'utilisation. Une pression suffit pour contrôler le S1 Pro.
Back to Station
Back to Station
Switch Modes
Switch Modes
Click Lock
Click Lock
Tout en un coup d'œil
Notre réservoir d'eau transparent vous permet de voir les niveaux pour savoir quand ajouter de l'eau propre.
La taille parfaite
La hauteur optimale de la station vous permet de l'utiliser sans vous pencher.
Compacte et performante
La structure de la station a été repensée afin qu'elle soit visuellement attrayante, efficace et facile à utiliser.
Nettoyage précis des coins et bords
Le design carré et élégant du S1 Pro lui permet d'atteindre les coins et bords pour nettoyer la saleté cachée.
Un nettoyage en profondeur,
même dans les espaces étroits
Grâce à son design ultrafin de 96 mm, le S1 Pro se déplace sans effort dans les espaces les plus étroits et se glisse sous les meubles.
Observe, pense et réagit comme un être humain
Contournement des obstacles et
conduite autonome précise
L'algorithme d'IA 3D MatrixEye™ révolutionne la détection et la mesure
des obstacles. Il offre une précision de l'ordre du millimètre proche
de celle des véhicules autonomes.
Une vision plus intelligente,
semblable à celle de l'homme
Équipé d'une technologie d'imagerie infrarouge binoculaire active et d'une caméra RVB, le robot imite la vision humaine et crée en temps réel des modèles 3D colorés qui identifient avec précision divers objets.
More Precise Recognition⁸
8Times Per Second
Millimeter-Level Measurement⁹
Détecte et évite tous les obstacles
Le S1 Pro contourne sans effort les obstacles de formes et de tailles différentes, mobiles ou non, pour vous
garantir une expérience sans problème¹⁰.
Un nettoyage complet, même dans le noir
Le S1 Pro détecte et contourne efficacement différents obstacles, même dans les espaces sombres, pour vous
garantir un nettoyage optimal¹².
Une précision digne de Mars
La cartographie TrueCourse™ s'appuie sur la même technologie LiDAR
que celle du projet Mars Landing de la NASA pour créer les
modèles 3D de votre espace les plus précis.
Comprend votre maison
La cartographie TrueCourse™ utilise les technologies dToF LiDAR et 3D SLAM pour créer des cartes précises de votre maison en temps réel et assurer un nettoyage complet et efficace.
Chaque étage parfaitement cartographié
Le S1 Pro comprend rapidement l'environnement de votre maison et établit efficacement des itinéraires intelligents pour chaque étage en temps réel. Vous pouvez enregistrer jusqu'à trois plans d'étage uniques.
Un nettoyage personnalisé
à portée de main
Personnalisez les modes aspiration et nettoyage en fonction de vos besoins.
Modes personnalisés
Programmes de nettoyage
Reprise du nettoyage
Zones interdites
Partage familial
Un design pensé dans
les moindres détails
Contrôle intelligent par commande vocale
Contrôlez facilement votre S1 Pro grâce à la commande vocale. Il vous suffit de prononcer quelques mots pour profiter d'une expérience de nettoyage simple et automatique.
Franchit des obstacles jusqu'à 20 mm
Le S1 Pro franchit sans effort les tapis, les seuils de porte et les obstacles d'une hauteur allant jusqu'à 20 mm pour un nettoyage encore plus efficace.
Sécurité enfant
Utilisez la sécurité enfant de la station pour éviter les démarrages accidentels par des enfants ou des animaux domestiques.
3,6 heures d'autonomie maximale
Profitez d'une autonomie maximale de 3,6 heures. Cette autonomie permet au S1 Pro de nettoyer des surfaces d'environ 183,5 m².¹³
4. Recharge et Reprend
Si la batterie est faible, le S1 Pro retourne automatiquement à sa station pour se recharger, puis reprend le nettoyage.
De vraies personnes, de vraies expériences!
Peter Vogel
We sweep and mop our floors almost daily and were extremely excited to get the S1 Pro. Let me just say wow… I looked at the dirty water tank after this amazing little robot went around what we thought were “clean floors” and me and my wife were blown away how dirty the dirty water tank was! This thing literally made our floor FEEL different to walk on because of how well it cleaned it! Excited to use the eufy S1 Pro for years to come!
Varun Nigam
This is revolutionary cleaning system! I was amazed to see the grim and dirt it washed away from my floor. This isnt a mop, its a floor wash like nothing else to compare with. Super thrilled and lucky enough to get hands on this beautiful master piece! Thank you eufy!
Kenton Low
eufy is the best vacuum and floor washer groundbreaking! The eufy is the coolest and mapped all rooms. This product is one of the best that takes the work out of manual labor of cleaning.
Marcel Thewes
Overall, I am absolutely thrilled with the eufy S1 Pro! The unique design fits perfectly into my decor. Setting up the device was a breeze, and its performance is impressive. I cannot confirm any of the criticisms I read before purchasing – such as noise level, lack of climbing ability, or missing edge cleaning. The eufy S1 Pro works reliably and quietly. Today, my three-year-old son and I had a lot of fun watching our new household helper in action. A fantastic product that truly makes daily life easier!
The base station was easy to assemble and looks like a good decor in my living room.
I've only ever had experience with 3 prior generations of Deebot and the eufy. The Deebot was simply ok with much left to be desired that the eufy S1 Pro seems to have resolved such as better mopping with it's spin brush instead a simple attached water dripping onto a rag or the twin pinning mops which tends to miss a lot. I love the easier access to the clean/dirty tanks and it's more compact design.
It is much smarter and thorough. I feel like I can trust my eufy S1 Pro to do a great job and not worry about finding it stuck or stranded somewhere.
The look is incredible. The ease of usehas been a god send for my wife whostruggles with technology. It does all the things that it claims to do.
Valdo Järve
The eufy S1 Pro is light years ahead of the competition. No other robot vacuum or mop can match its capabilities, and it performs flawlessly! The obstacle avoidance is far superior to any other robotic cleaner on the market. It navigates right up to the edges of objects without needing to physically touch them. The mapping system is the most incredible I’ve ever seen. It reaches every corner of the house and goes exactly where you want it to. The robot always knows its location, and you can track its path in real-time on the app. The app is brilliantly designed, with an intuitive and simple UI. Nothing was overlooked. The cleaning ability of this robot is unparalleled. The mopping capability is particularly impressive. The self-cleaning mop effectively pulls dirt from the floor, and the onboard dirty water tank automatically deposits the dirty water into the base station’s tank. When you empty the dirty water tank, you’ll see just how effective this robot is. The floors are left literally squeaky clean! The product itself, including the base station and the robot, is beautiful. Its aesthetic appeal matches its functionality, making it the most visually pleasing option on the market. Ease of use was clearly a priority in the Eufy S1 Pro’s design. Maintenance is incredibly simple. The clean water tank on the front is a great design choice, and the floor cleaning cartridge is easy to change. The dust bag is expertly hidden and easy to replace, and the dirty water tank is a breeze to empty and clean. Overall, the Eufy S1 Pro is the last robot vacuum and mop you’ll ever need. It’s that good.
Elegant design and the ability to dry and apply cleaning solution automatically. The roller mop appears to be more effective than flat agitator pads.
This robot is amazing. I love that it is able to wash floors while it vacuums. I love that it is fully customizable and that you can set specific rooms to clean your desired way.
I know if I ask the S1 Pro to clean it's going to do that and intelligently go back to the station when it needs to.
It really is a major step up compared to any previous products I have used. I do still use my eufy S1 Pro stick mop/vac for stubborn marks such as food/sauce which may have been left on a hard floor overnight, but for general cleaning - it is exceptional.
Very quick. A sock or something was thrown in front of it and it immediately seen and avoided it. Very nice!
I sent out my past robot, it ran into my dog three times in a row, but S1 Pro stopped next to the dog, turned and went around him without toching him.
Much better than the past robots when it comes to avoiding objects and being able to continue cleaning without needing to be picked up or moved.
This is a great replacement for my other robot vacuum.The mopping is great though.
I do like that the robot sees an obstacle and doesn’t crash into it. My previous one would crash into things a few times before realising it was an obstacle.
It hasn’t crashed into anything since having it. It could possible go a bit closer to the walls in some areas for a closer clean.
I have one robot from other brand, compared to that it’s amazing. It has avoided all all my kids toys on the floor in addition to avoiding my dog. I’ve only had to remove jammed objects twice.
Peter Vogel
We sweep and mop our floors almost daily and were extremely excited to get the S1 Pro. Let me just say wow… I looked at the dirty water tank after this amazing little robot went around what we thought were “clean floors” and me and my wife were blown away how dirty the dirty water tank was! This thing literally made our floor FEEL different to walk on because of how well it cleaned it! Excited to use the eufy S1 Pro for years to come!
Varun Nigam
This is revolutionary cleaning system! I was amazed to see the grim and dirt it washed away from my floor. This isnt a mop, its a floor wash like nothing else to compare with. Super thrilled and lucky enough to get hands on this beautiful master piece! Thank you eufy!
Kenton Low
eufy is the best vacuum and floor washer groundbreaking! The eufy is the coolest and mapped all rooms. This product is one of the best that takes the work out of manual labor of cleaning.
Marcel Thewes
Overall, I am absolutely thrilled with the eufy S1 Pro! The unique design fits perfectly into my decor. Setting up the device was a breeze, and its performance is impressive. I cannot confirm any of the criticisms I read before purchasing – such as noise level, lack of climbing ability, or missing edge cleaning. The eufy S1 Pro works reliably and quietly. Today, my three-year-old son and I had a lot of fun watching our new household helper in action. A fantastic product that truly makes daily life easier!
The base station was easy to assemble and looks like a good decor in my living room.
I've only ever had experience with 3 prior generations of Deebot and the eufy. The Deebot was simply ok with much left to be desired that the eufy S1 Pro seems to have resolved such as better mopping with it's spin brush instead a simple attached water dripping onto a rag or the twin pinning mops which tends to miss a lot. I love the easier access to the clean/dirty tanks and it's more compact design.
It is much smarter and thorough. I feel like I can trust my eufy S1 Pro to do a great job and not worry about finding it stuck or stranded somewhere.
The look is incredible. The ease of usehas been a god send for my wife whostruggles with technology. It does all the things that it claims to do.
Valdo Järve
The eufy S1 Pro is light years ahead of the competition. No other robot vacuum or mop can match its capabilities, and it performs flawlessly! The obstacle avoidance is far superior to any other robotic cleaner on the market. It navigates right up to the edges of objects without needing to physically touch them. The mapping system is the most incredible I’ve ever seen. It reaches every corner of the house and goes exactly where you want it to. The robot always knows its location, and you can track its path in real-time on the app. The app is brilliantly designed, with an intuitive and simple UI. Nothing was overlooked. The cleaning ability of this robot is unparalleled. The mopping capability is particularly impressive. The self-cleaning mop effectively pulls dirt from the floor, and the onboard dirty water tank automatically deposits the dirty water into the base station’s tank. When you empty the dirty water tank, you’ll see just how effective this robot is. The floors are left literally squeaky clean! The product itself, including the base station and the robot, is beautiful. Its aesthetic appeal matches its functionality, making it the most visually pleasing option on the market. Ease of use was clearly a priority in the Eufy S1 Pro’s design. Maintenance is incredibly simple. The clean water tank on the front is a great design choice, and the floor cleaning cartridge is easy to change. The dust bag is expertly hidden and easy to replace, and the dirty water tank is a breeze to empty and clean. Overall, the Eufy S1 Pro is the last robot vacuum and mop you’ll ever need. It’s that good.
Elegant design and the ability to dry and apply cleaning solution automatically. The roller mop appears to be more effective than flat agitator pads.
This robot is amazing. I love that it is able to wash floors while it vacuums. I love that it is fully customizable and that you can set specific rooms to clean your desired way.
I know if I ask the S1 Pro to clean it's going to do that and intelligently go back to the station when it needs to.
It really is a major step up compared to any previous products I have used. I do still use my eufy S1 Pro stick mop/vac for stubborn marks such as food/sauce which may have been left on a hard floor overnight, but for general cleaning - it is exceptional.
Very quick. A sock or something was thrown in front of it and it immediately seen and avoided it. Very nice!
I sent out my past robot, it ran into my dog three times in a row, but S1 Pro stopped next to the dog, turned and went around him without toching him.
Much better than the past robots when it comes to avoiding objects and being able to continue cleaning without needing to be picked up or moved.
This is a great replacement for my other robot vacuum.The mopping is great though.
I do like that the robot sees an obstacle and doesn’t crash into it. My previous one would crash into things a few times before realising it was an obstacle.
It hasn’t crashed into anything since having it. It could possible go a bit closer to the walls in some areas for a closer clean.
I have one robot from other brand, compared to that it’s amazing. It has avoided all all my kids toys on the floor in addition to avoiding my dog. I’ve only had to remove jammed objects twice.
Marcel Thewes
Overall, I am absolutely thrilled with the eufy S1 Pro! The unique design fits perfectly into my decor. Setting up the device was a breeze, and its performance is impressive. I cannot confirm any of the criticisms I read before purchasing – such as noise level, lack of climbing ability, or missing edge cleaning. The eufy S1 Pro works reliably and quietly. Today, my three-year-old son and I had a lot of fun watching our new household helper in action. A fantastic product that truly makes daily life easier!
The base station was easy to assemble and looks like a good decor in my living room.
I've only ever had experience with 3 prior generations of Deebot and the eufy. The Deebot was simply ok with much left to be desired that the eufy S1 Pro seems to have resolved such as better mopping with it's spin brush instead a simple attached water dripping onto a rag or the twin pinning mops which tends to miss a lot. I love the easier access to the clean/dirty tanks and it's more compact design.
It is much smarter and thorough. I feel like I can trust my eufy S1 Pro to do a great job and not worry about finding it stuck or stranded somewhere.
The look is incredible. The ease of usehas been a god send for my wife whostruggles with technology. It does all the things that it claims to do.
Valdo Järve
The eufy S1 Pro is light years ahead of the competition. No other robot vacuum or mop can match its capabilities, and it performs flawlessly! The obstacle avoidance is far superior to any other robotic cleaner on the market. It navigates right up to the edges of objects without needing to physically touch them. The mapping system is the most incredible I’ve ever seen. It reaches every corner of the house and goes exactly where you want it to. The robot always knows its location, and you can track its path in real-time on the app. The app is brilliantly designed, with an intuitive and simple UI. Nothing was overlooked. The cleaning ability of this robot is unparalleled. The mopping capability is particularly impressive. The self-cleaning mop effectively pulls dirt from the floor, and the onboard dirty water tank automatically deposits the dirty water into the base station’s tank. When you empty the dirty water tank, you’ll see just how effective this robot is. The floors are left literally squeaky clean! The product itself, including the base station and the robot, is beautiful. Its aesthetic appeal matches its functionality, making it the most visually pleasing option on the market. Ease of use was clearly a priority in the Eufy S1 Pro’s design. Maintenance is incredibly simple. The clean water tank on the front is a great design choice, and the floor cleaning cartridge is easy to change. The dust bag is expertly hidden and easy to replace, and the dirty water tank is a breeze to empty and clean. Overall, the Eufy S1 Pro is the last robot vacuum and mop you’ll ever need. It’s that good.
Elegant design and the ability to dry and apply cleaning solution automatically. The roller mop appears to be more effective than flat agitator pads.
This robot is amazing. I love that it is able to wash floors while it vacuums. I love that it is fully customizable and that you can set specific rooms to clean your desired way.
I know if I ask the S1 Pro to clean it's going to do that and intelligently go back to the station when it needs to.
It really is a major step up compared to any previous products I have used. I do still use my eufy S1 Pro stick mop/vac for stubborn marks such as food/sauce which may have been left on a hard floor overnight, but for general cleaning - it is exceptional.
Very quick. A sock or something was thrown in front of it and it immediately seen and avoided it. Very nice!
I sent out my past robot, it ran into my dog three times in a row, but S1 Pro stopped next to the dog, turned and went around him without toching him.
Much better than the past robots when it comes to avoiding objects and being able to continue cleaning without needing to be picked up or moved.
This is a great replacement for my other robot vacuum.The mopping is great though.
I do like that the robot sees an obstacle and doesn’t crash into it. My previous one would crash into things a few times before realising it was an obstacle.
It hasn’t crashed into anything since having it. It could possible go a bit closer to the walls in some areas for a closer clean.
I have one robot from other brand, compared to that it’s amazing. It has avoided all all my kids toys on the floor in addition to avoiding my dog. I’ve only had to remove jammed objects twice.
Peter Vogel
We sweep and mop our floors almost daily and were extremely excited to get the S1 Pro. Let me just say wow… I looked at the dirty water tank after this amazing little robot went around what we thought were “clean floors” and me and my wife were blown away how dirty the dirty water tank was! This thing literally made our floor FEEL different to walk on because of how well it cleaned it! Excited to use the eufy S1 Pro for years to come!
Varun Nigam
This is revolutionary cleaning system! I was amazed to see the grim and dirt it washed away from my floor. This isnt a mop, its a floor wash like nothing else to compare with. Super thrilled and lucky enough to get hands on this beautiful master piece! Thank you eufy!
Kenton Low
eufy is the best vacuum and floor washer groundbreaking! The eufy is the coolest and mapped all rooms. This product is one of the best that takes the work out of manual labor of cleaning.
Marcel Thewes
Overall, I am absolutely thrilled with the eufy S1 Pro! The unique design fits perfectly into my decor. Setting up the device was a breeze, and its performance is impressive. I cannot confirm any of the criticisms I read before purchasing – such as noise level, lack of climbing ability, or missing edge cleaning. The eufy S1 Pro works reliably and quietly. Today, my three-year-old son and I had a lot of fun watching our new household helper in action. A fantastic product that truly makes daily life easier!
The base station was easy to assemble and looks like a good decor in my living room.
I've only ever had experience with 3 prior generations of Deebot and the eufy. The Deebot was simply ok with much left to be desired that the eufy S1 Pro seems to have resolved such as better mopping with it's spin brush instead a simple attached water dripping onto a rag or the twin pinning mops which tends to miss a lot. I love the easier access to the clean/dirty tanks and it's more compact design.
It is much smarter and thorough. I feel like I can trust my eufy S1 Pro to do a great job and not worry about finding it stuck or stranded somewhere.
The look is incredible. The ease of usehas been a god send for my wife whostruggles with technology. It does all the things that it claims to do.
Valdo Järve
The eufy S1 Pro is light years ahead of the competition. No other robot vacuum or mop can match its capabilities, and it performs flawlessly! The obstacle avoidance is far superior to any other robotic cleaner on the market. It navigates right up to the edges of objects without needing to physically touch them. The mapping system is the most incredible I’ve ever seen. It reaches every corner of the house and goes exactly where you want it to. The robot always knows its location, and you can track its path in real-time on the app. The app is brilliantly designed, with an intuitive and simple UI. Nothing was overlooked. The cleaning ability of this robot is unparalleled. The mopping capability is particularly impressive. The self-cleaning mop effectively pulls dirt from the floor, and the onboard dirty water tank automatically deposits the dirty water into the base station’s tank. When you empty the dirty water tank, you’ll see just how effective this robot is. The floors are left literally squeaky clean! The product itself, including the base station and the robot, is beautiful. Its aesthetic appeal matches its functionality, making it the most visually pleasing option on the market. Ease of use was clearly a priority in the Eufy S1 Pro’s design. Maintenance is incredibly simple. The clean water tank on the front is a great design choice, and the floor cleaning cartridge is easy to change. The dust bag is expertly hidden and easy to replace, and the dirty water tank is a breeze to empty and clean. Overall, the Eufy S1 Pro is the last robot vacuum and mop you’ll ever need. It’s that good.
Elegant design and the ability to dry and apply cleaning solution automatically. The roller mop appears to be more effective than flat agitator pads.
This robot is amazing. I love that it is able to wash floors while it vacuums. I love that it is fully customizable and that you can set specific rooms to clean your desired way.
I know if I ask the S1 Pro to clean it's going to do that and intelligently go back to the station when it needs to.
It really is a major step up compared to any previous products I have used. I do still use my eufy S1 Pro stick mop/vac for stubborn marks such as food/sauce which may have been left on a hard floor overnight, but for general cleaning - it is exceptional.
Very quick. A sock or something was thrown in front of it and it immediately seen and avoided it. Very nice!
I sent out my past robot, it ran into my dog three times in a row, but S1 Pro stopped next to the dog, turned and went around him without toching him.
Much better than the past robots when it comes to avoiding objects and being able to continue cleaning without needing to be picked up or moved.
This is a great replacement for my other robot vacuum.The mopping is great though.
I do like that the robot sees an obstacle and doesn’t crash into it. My previous one would crash into things a few times before realising it was an obstacle.
It hasn’t crashed into anything since having it. It could possible go a bit closer to the walls in some areas for a closer clean.
I have one robot from other brand, compared to that it’s amazing. It has avoided all all my kids toys on the floor in addition to avoiding my dog. I’ve only had to remove jammed objects twice.
It is much smarter and thorough. I feel like I can trust my eufy S1 Pro to do a great job and not worry about finding it stuck or stranded somewhere.
The look is incredible. The ease of usehas been a god send for my wife whostruggles with technology. It does all the things that it claims to do.
Valdo Järve
The eufy S1 Pro is light years ahead of the competition. No other robot vacuum or mop can match its capabilities, and it performs flawlessly! The obstacle avoidance is far superior to any other robotic cleaner on the market. It navigates right up to the edges of objects without needing to physically touch them. The mapping system is the most incredible I’ve ever seen. It reaches every corner of the house and goes exactly where you want it to. The robot always knows its location, and you can track its path in real-time on the app. The app is brilliantly designed, with an intuitive and simple UI. Nothing was overlooked. The cleaning ability of this robot is unparalleled. The mopping capability is particularly impressive. The self-cleaning mop effectively pulls dirt from the floor, and the onboard dirty water tank automatically deposits the dirty water into the base station’s tank. When you empty the dirty water tank, you’ll see just how effective this robot is. The floors are left literally squeaky clean! The product itself, including the base station and the robot, is beautiful. Its aesthetic appeal matches its functionality, making it the most visually pleasing option on the market. Ease of use was clearly a priority in the Eufy S1 Pro’s design. Maintenance is incredibly simple. The clean water tank on the front is a great design choice, and the floor cleaning cartridge is easy to change. The dust bag is expertly hidden and easy to replace, and the dirty water tank is a breeze to empty and clean. Overall, the Eufy S1 Pro is the last robot vacuum and mop you’ll ever need. It’s that good.
Elegant design and the ability to dry and apply cleaning solution automatically. The roller mop appears to be more effective than flat agitator pads.
This robot is amazing. I love that it is able to wash floors while it vacuums. I love that it is fully customizable and that you can set specific rooms to clean your desired way.
I know if I ask the S1 Pro to clean it's going to do that and intelligently go back to the station when it needs to.
It really is a major step up compared to any previous products I have used. I do still use my eufy S1 Pro stick mop/vac for stubborn marks such as food/sauce which may have been left on a hard floor overnight, but for general cleaning - it is exceptional.
Very quick. A sock or something was thrown in front of it and it immediately seen and avoided it. Very nice!
I sent out my past robot, it ran into my dog three times in a row, but S1 Pro stopped next to the dog, turned and went around him without toching him.
Much better than the past robots when it comes to avoiding objects and being able to continue cleaning without needing to be picked up or moved.
This is a great replacement for my other robot vacuum.The mopping is great though.
I do like that the robot sees an obstacle and doesn’t crash into it. My previous one would crash into things a few times before realising it was an obstacle.
It hasn’t crashed into anything since having it. It could possible go a bit closer to the walls in some areas for a closer clean.
I have one robot from other brand, compared to that it’s amazing. It has avoided all all my kids toys on the floor in addition to avoiding my dog. I’ve only had to remove jammed objects twice.
Peter Vogel
We sweep and mop our floors almost daily and were extremely excited to get the S1 Pro. Let me just say wow… I looked at the dirty water tank after this amazing little robot went around what we thought were “clean floors” and me and my wife were blown away how dirty the dirty water tank was! This thing literally made our floor FEEL different to walk on because of how well it cleaned it! Excited to use the eufy S1 Pro for years to come!
Varun Nigam
This is revolutionary cleaning system! I was amazed to see the grim and dirt it washed away from my floor. This isnt a mop, its a floor wash like nothing else to compare with. Super thrilled and lucky enough to get hands on this beautiful master piece! Thank you eufy!
Kenton Low
eufy is the best vacuum and floor washer groundbreaking! The eufy is the coolest and mapped all rooms. This product is one of the best that takes the work out of manual labor of cleaning.
Marcel Thewes
Overall, I am absolutely thrilled with the eufy S1 Pro! The unique design fits perfectly into my decor. Setting up the device was a breeze, and its performance is impressive. I cannot confirm any of the criticisms I read before purchasing – such as noise level, lack of climbing ability, or missing edge cleaning. The eufy S1 Pro works reliably and quietly. Today, my three-year-old son and I had a lot of fun watching our new household helper in action. A fantastic product that truly makes daily life easier!
The base station was easy to assemble and looks like a good decor in my living room.
I've only ever had experience with 3 prior generations of Deebot and the eufy. The Deebot was simply ok with much left to be desired that the eufy S1 Pro seems to have resolved such as better mopping with it's spin brush instead a simple attached water dripping onto a rag or the twin pinning mops which tends to miss a lot. I love the easier access to the clean/dirty tanks and it's more compact design.
It is much smarter and thorough. I feel like I can trust my eufy S1 Pro to do a great job and not worry about finding it stuck or stranded somewhere.
The look is incredible. The ease of usehas been a god send for my wife whostruggles with technology. It does all the things that it claims to do.
Valdo Järve
The eufy S1 Pro is light years ahead of the competition. No other robot vacuum or mop can match its capabilities, and it performs flawlessly! The obstacle avoidance is far superior to any other robotic cleaner on the market. It navigates right up to the edges of objects without needing to physically touch them. The mapping system is the most incredible I’ve ever seen. It reaches every corner of the house and goes exactly where you want it to. The robot always knows its location, and you can track its path in real-time on the app. The app is brilliantly designed, with an intuitive and simple UI. Nothing was overlooked. The cleaning ability of this robot is unparalleled. The mopping capability is particularly impressive. The self-cleaning mop effectively pulls dirt from the floor, and the onboard dirty water tank automatically deposits the dirty water into the base station’s tank. When you empty the dirty water tank, you’ll see just how effective this robot is. The floors are left literally squeaky clean! The product itself, including the base station and the robot, is beautiful. Its aesthetic appeal matches its functionality, making it the most visually pleasing option on the market. Ease of use was clearly a priority in the Eufy S1 Pro’s design. Maintenance is incredibly simple. The clean water tank on the front is a great design choice, and the floor cleaning cartridge is easy to change. The dust bag is expertly hidden and easy to replace, and the dirty water tank is a breeze to empty and clean. Overall, the Eufy S1 Pro is the last robot vacuum and mop you’ll ever need. It’s that good.
Elegant design and the ability to dry and apply cleaning solution automatically. The roller mop appears to be more effective than flat agitator pads.
This robot is amazing. I love that it is able to wash floors while it vacuums. I love that it is fully customizable and that you can set specific rooms to clean your desired way.
I know if I ask the S1 Pro to clean it's going to do that and intelligently go back to the station when it needs to.
It really is a major step up compared to any previous products I have used. I do still use my eufy S1 Pro stick mop/vac for stubborn marks such as food/sauce which may have been left on a hard floor overnight, but for general cleaning - it is exceptional.
Very quick. A sock or something was thrown in front of it and it immediately seen and avoided it. Very nice!
I sent out my past robot, it ran into my dog three times in a row, but S1 Pro stopped next to the dog, turned and went around him without toching him.
Much better than the past robots when it comes to avoiding objects and being able to continue cleaning without needing to be picked up or moved.
This is a great replacement for my other robot vacuum.The mopping is great though.
I do like that the robot sees an obstacle and doesn’t crash into it. My previous one would crash into things a few times before realising it was an obstacle.
It hasn’t crashed into anything since having it. It could possible go a bit closer to the walls in some areas for a closer clean.
I have one robot from other brand, compared to that it’s amazing. It has avoided all all my kids toys on the floor in addition to avoiding my dog. I’ve only had to remove jammed objects twice.
Station tout-en-un:
383 × 467 × 670 mm
325 × 347 × 96 mm
Contenu de la boîte
1. Station UniClean™ 10-en-1
2. S1 Pro
3. Kit de brosses latérales × 2
4. Nettoyant pour sols durs
5. Patin de nettoyage rotatif additionnel
6. Filtre haute performance additionnel
7. Sac à poussière additionnel
8. Outil de nettoyage
9. Câble d'alimentation
1. Il est conseillé d'utiliser de l'eau du robinet pour garantir des résultats de désinfection optimaux..
2. 99,99 % des E. Coli ont été éliminées lors des tests en laboratoire. Les résultats réels peuvent varier en fonction des facteurs environnementaux.
3. 3. Donnée obtenue à la suite d'un test interne d'eufy. L'utilisation réelle peut varier en fonction de l'environnement domestique.
4. Veuillez utiliser le nettoyant pour sols durs exclusif au S1 Pro pour éviter d'endommager la structure interne du robot.
5. D'après un test interne d'eufy, la charge est 20 % plus rapide que celle du produit de la génération précédente.
6. D'après les tests internes d'eufy, l'appareil donne les meilleurs résultats pour le nettoyage des tapis à poils moyens ou courts dont l'épaisseur ne dépasse pas 12 mm.
7. Pour un nettoyage plus efficace des espaces restreints, nous vous recommandons de désactiver le mode par défaut « Contournement des obstacles minuscules » dans l'application.
8. Donnée obtenue à la suite de tests effectués dans le laboratoire d'eufy. Les résultats réels peuvent varier en fonction de l'environnement domestique.
9. Donnée obtenue à la suite de tests effectués dans le laboratoire d'eufy. Les résultats réels peuvent varier en fonction de l'environnement domestique.
10. Donnée obtenue à la suite de tests effectués dans le laboratoire d'eufy. Les résultats réels peuvent varier en fonction de l'environnement domestique.
11. D'après les tests internes d'eufy, le S1 pro peut détecter tout obstacle ayant une taille supérieure à 3 × 3 × 3 cm.
12.D'après les tests internes d'eufy, en cas de faible luminosité, la capacité de reconnaissance des câbles et des tissus peut varier. Les résultats réels peuvent dépendre de l'environnement.
13. Donnée obtenue à la suite de tests effectués dans le laboratoire d'eufy. Les résultats réels peuvent varier en fonction de l'environnement domestique.
Your Privacy, Our Priority
Le système de reconnaissance et de contournement des obstacles du S1 Pro fonctionne entièrement hors ligne. De plus, le S1 Pro est certifié par TÜV SÜD conformément aux normes rigoureuses de cybersécurité ETSI EN 303 645 pour que vous puissiez vivre l'esprit tranquille.